Sunday, July 14, 2013

The More List-y List

Sidetracked when I tried to make a list. I'll either have to update this post, or post updates, because otherwise I'll just revise and rewrite and never post.

Driving. I prefer to drive, because I feel out of control when my husband drives, and sometimes unsafe because "I would have started braking earlier" or something else relatively minor. Just because it's not what I would do, it's wrong. That comes from my father insisting that every detail be done "right," which of course meant "his way". It took me years to realize the difference. I'm afraid I'll be that picky and demanding when my daughter gets older.

My hair. I mentioned this one earlier. Even though I really do have control over it, I insist that I don't. I'm not sure why, or why I would be scared of being in control. Maybe because the person with all the control also takes all the blame when it goes wrong.

Money. It has never been in my control. For a while, before the baby was born, I kept a ledger and paid all the bills, but that's the most control I could pretend I had.

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