Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Hyperbole Strikes Back

Well, it's been a while. I was supposed to post one thing, every day, that made me happy. It devolved into posting something that simply made my facial expression change, even momentarily, from its perpetual neutral/frownish position. And then I gave up on it entirely, because searching for things like that just made me angry.

Today I can quite happily post under the original intent: Allie's back.

Hyperbole and a Half is one of those blogs that makes me laugh so hard I fall into a coughing fit and end up with a sore throat. A hilarious sore throat. About a year and a half ago, she fell off the internet and made a lot of people very worried, including me. Now she's back, and further along on this "recovery" path than I am. This makes me happier than anything in quite a while.

Actually, I'm pretty proud of myself lately. I finished two baby blankets in the span of a week and a half, and if I choose to send the second to another guildmate, that will make TWO blankets I've managed to finish BEFORE the baby is born. I haven't decided whether to send them both to pregnant guildies or whether to sell the second one; the first is intended for a girl to be born in August, and the other expected baby is due in... errr... November? So still plenty of time for that one, AND with yarn ordered and on its way already.

My worry is that I'll cling to this "accomplishment" for far too long, basking in the self-praise, and not accomplish anything else. In fact, I finished them nearly two weeks ago, and only made two hats since then, one by request and the other just sitting on my shelf, doing nothing.

I still haven't made the effort to take proper photos of these hats and list them for sale online. I think I could get $25 or $30 for the smaller blanket. We'll see.

...And once again, a happy post devolves into beating myself up.