Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hammock Weather

Today feels like proper spring. It'll probably get too hot inside in the afternoon, and will probably not be this nice tomorrow, but right now, at noon, I want to string up a hammock and take a nap in the sun and feel the light, cool breeze over a fuzzy blanket.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Puzzle Pieces

Once again these "feel good" snippets aren't meant for the deeply depressed and truly broken. They're meant for normal people to pat themselves on the back about how well they handled that sharp curve, that bump in the road. Thing is, those people come equipped with good shocks and suspension systems so that they CAN handle the normal roughness of life's roads. Some of us have broken shocks and we don't know how to fix them.

The problem with simply "rebuilding myself" is that as I was being chipped away, the pieces were stolen from me, hidden, sometimes replaced with pieces that weren't mine, sometimes waved in front of me with the insistence that they were wrong or undesirable or sinful. I don't have all the pieces I need, and some of what I do have aren't even the same puzzle.

Oh, and I don't have any superglue either, so these pieces are just going to get scattered again when the next pothole reminds me of my broken shocks.